It’s Time to Put the “Foot” Back into Football!

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For being half of the word, there isn’t a lot of “foot” in football anymore.  Since the NFL changed its kickoff format, we no longer get to see regular kickoff returns.  Instead, we get to see touchback after touchback which is about as exciting as watching paint dry.  But hey, I understand the reason for the change.  Protect players.  There can be a way to have both though.  Excitement and protecting the players as best as possible.  It’s time to put the “foot” back into football.

There is nothing more exciting, but dangerous, than two fully clad athletes running full speed at each other and colliding.  Like a modern barbaric team joust.  I would like to see the “foot” back in football.  How about changing the kickoff rules so no touchbacks are allowed.  You HAVE to return it.  Let’s line up offensive and defensive players just 10-15 yards apart and make it so you can’t begin to run until the ball has been put into play by hitting the ground or a player touching it.

What about onside kicks you say?  How about making teams declare they are going to kick onside and keep the traditional format?  The players aren’t far apart and it’s like watching a cliffhanger.

Let’s bring back exciting kickoff returns and let kickoffs become an integral part of the game again.  Let’s put the “foot” back into football.

What do you think?  Do you like the current NFL kickoff format, or would you like to see a change?  Comment below!

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