Calling All Sports Nerds! A Series Dedicated to Sports Nerdom – Part 4

Part 4

Copyright: Easy-Peasy-AI

Welcome to the Calling All Sports Nerds series, part 4.  In previous posts I discussed the intensely high level of sports nerdom I have and how it progressed from childhood to now (I’m a young 40 years).  The previous posts in the series heavily discussed sports cards as will future posts.  Today, however, I’m calling all sports nerds that are addicted to e-sports.

If you’ve never heard of that term before, it stands for electronic sports.  Still lost… Ok, we’re talking about video games here.  Finally, a sport for the most elite sports nerds!  E-sports, my current favorite being NHL 24 on Xbox Series X, are gaining momentum in popularity daily.  That’s actually an understatement.  E-sports are huge!  Expos, Tournaments, online challenges, and good ole fashioned couch play involving millions of gamers, or E-Athletes.  I recently just became aware of the fact that e-sports are involved in high schools with traveling competitions.  Jealous!  I had to rock Mario Bros and kicked butt at Mortal Kombat I and II on Sega Genesis (I still know most of the cheat codes… no big deal). 

My point?  Sports transcend physical participation and can be just as enjoyable via game consoles.  Case in point… my brother and I often play NHL 24 online against other opponents from around the world.  You can actually hear my wife’s eyes roll as we are yelling, screaming, and talking (clean) trash.  In fact, the same loud complaints to the officials for bad calls or missed calls are just as present and emphatic via headset as it is watching the game or seeing it in person. 

By the way, NHL 24 is on sale right now on Amazon! Pick up your copy today!

NHL 24 Xbox Series X – Amazon

Authority Athletics is a member of the Amazon Associate Program and will receive compensation for any purchases made through links at no extra cost to the buyer.

Watching sports allows us to be a part of something bigger.  Something that admittedly, we want to do (at least I do), but can’t at anywhere near that level.  E-sports lets us participate more intimately in the sport and have more control over the outcome.  We may not be physically participating, but the competition is there, and it feels very real.

So, calling all sports nerds!  What game are you playing now?  On what system?  Let us know in the comments.

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