Calling all Sports Nerds!  A Series Dedicated to Sports Nerdom

Part 1

Copyright: Easy-Peasy-AI

I’m a sports nerd.  My brother is an even bigger sports nerd.  If it’s related to sports we’re into it.  And, to be honest, it doesn’t really matter what the sport is.  Sure we have our favorites like a favorite sport, favorite team, favorite player, and so on.  I used to hide my “nerdery” (a word I just made up – verb meaning to engage in nerdom or the act of being a nerd), but I don’t anymore, and neither should you.  Calling all sports nerds!  Actually, I just looked it up.  Nerdery is an actual word! 

My two biggest sports nerdery moments occurred in adulthood.  The first was when I went to the Pepsi Center, home of the Colorado Avalanche, with my dad and brother (now called Ball Arena).  Even as a 30-something year old man, beard and everything, I was like a little kid when the staff member let us touch and pose for a picture next to the goalie nets.  “Patrick Roy could’ve touched this very net!”  We dang near collapsed when they showed us Joe Sakic’s general manager’s office door.  And yes, of course, I had to grab the door handle.  As I did, I could feel the power of his wrist shot transfering to me.

The second moment of sports nerdom took place when, again with my brother, we went to a Canucks game in Vancouver when they played the Avalanche.  We sat behind the Avalanche bench one row behind the glass.  Patrick Roy was the head coach then.  PATRICK ROY!  RIGHT THERE!  The level of bro crush was immense and the incredibly drunk guy in front of us was yelling everything my brother and I wanted to say yet lacked the level of inebriation to do so… PATRICK ROY, I LOVE YOU! 

You see, to those in the sports nerd kingdom, it’s more than just a competition.  That’s OUR team.  It has the power to make for a great day or a horrible day.  It’s a reminder of our childhood.  It’s a community.  It’s a lifestyle.   It is an extension of ourselves.

So, calling all sports nerds!  Tell me what your biggest sports nerd moment was.  Let’s be nerds together.  Look for our next part in this sports nerdery series where I will further embarrass myself with shockingly high levels of sports nerdom.

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