Hero and Villain: The Duality of the Role of a NFL Kicker

Tate K. Nations 2014/Flickr PDM 1.0 Deed | Public Domain Mark 1.0 Universal | Creative Commons

We love them and we hate them. NFL kickers have a unique role. Not only in football, but in all of sports. Every player in every team sport of course plays an individual role that compliments the play of the team. The football kicker is different. See, a kicker plays in the spotlight as an individual.

You may be saying, “well what about baseball? They play individually within a team.” And you’d be right. However, EVERY baseball player plays individually for the duration of the game. The football kicker’s play, however, interrupts the regular type of play and becomes the focus of every teammate, coach, and spectator.

When that kicker comes onto the football field, they know walking on, that they will either be the villain or the hero. There is no in between. Look at the playoff game between the Buffalo Bills and Kansas City Chiefs. There was an entire game that was played. Mistakes were made, passes completed, and so on. But, what will fans, especially Bills fans, remember? The missed field goal that left the Bills coming up short. Buffalo fans will always be upset at what could’ve been.

Saying that fans will always be “upset” is a bit of an understatement, however. Buffalo Bill’s Tyler Bass received death threats as a result of the missed kick. This is what I’m talking about. Bass is not the only one responsible for the loss, but, by the very nature of his position, unrightly secures all of the blame.

I always thought Ace Ventura was an extreme farce, but after seeing the attention and hate cast towards Bass, I find it amazing all NFL kickers aren’t channeling their inner Ray Finkle and etching “LACES OUT” wherever they go.

Now, I can only speak for myself, but the last time I tried to kick a football it went about 10 yards including several bounces. I say let’s cut them some slack for being so accurate kicking an oddly shaped ball under pressure.

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