Longest Championship Droughts in the NBA

Authority Athletics
Copyright: Michael Tipton / Flickr https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Authority Athletics recently discussed the longest championship droughts in Major League Baseball. You can read that article here! Now we turn our attention to the NBA. These teams are desperate for a title…

Indiana Pacers (48 years): The pacers joined the NBA, coming from the ABA, in 1976 and have never won a championship. Reggie Miller tried his best to change that in the 90’s and got fairly close.

LA Clippers (54 years): Officially joining the NBA as the Buffalo Braves, the franchise was moved to Los Angeles and renamed as the Clippers in 1984 having never won a championship. There was the lop city squad and appeared to be even more hope when the Clippers acquired Kawhi Leonard and Paul George, but the team has never even been close to winning it all.

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Phoenix Suns (56 years): Joining the NBA in 1968, the Suns have never won a championship. They had some powerhouse teams led by Steve Nash and Amare Stoudemire but have never won the last game of the year. Perhaps Kevin Durant and Devin Booker can change that.

Utah Jazz (50 years): This one is the most surprising. The Jazz became an NBA team in 1974 and have yet to win a championship. The Jazz had some great teams led by one of the greatest duos in basketball history, John Stockton and Karl Malone. The club reached the NBA finals in 1997 and 1998 but lost each time to Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls.

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