Why Do We Love Sports?

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We started Authority Athletics because we love sports.  We love watching them, we love playing them, and we love collecting everything to do with them. One day, as I looked at a new box of unopened baseball cards, I had to ask myself something.  Why do we love sports so much?  I mean when it comes down to things we absolutely need in life, sports isn’t one of those things that are necessary to make life go on.  But yet, life would lack so much meaning for many if sports wasn’t a part of their lives.  Ours included.  That got us thinking about starting a business because we’re passionate about sports.  Ultimately, we determined we’re passionate about sports because of the “3 C’s”.

If you’re involved in sports in any fashion you are definitely a part of at least one of the “C’s”, even if you don’t realize it.  So what are the “C’s”?  I’m glad you asked.  The 3 C’s stand for Community, Competition, and Conditioning.  Everything we love about sports plays into one or more of these areas.  Let’s dive a little deeper.

Community:  Humans are social creatures.  Even solo sports like boxing or wrestling involve coaches and a social network with your competitors.  People gravitate towards those that enjoy the same sport as they enjoy and even more so to those that follow their same favorite team.  I’m no scientist, but I would wager if you put 100 people in a room and had them wear their favorite team’s jersey, people would start grouping based on what kind of sport jersey they’re wearing.  Even the biggest rivalries would group together instead of group with an “outsider” that was wearing a different sport’s jersey.  We love sports because we love to build relationships around them.

Competition:  It is human nature to want to win.  I know we live in a participation trophy era, but deep down, we want to win.  Not only do we want to win but we want to test ourselves to see if we can win even when it gets hard.  I think this urge to compete is not only healthy, but necessary to live the most fulfilling life possible.  I’m not talking about being cocky or a loudmouth.  I’m talking about the spirit and desire to do your best against someone else’s best.  It is really in those defeats that we truly find ourselves and the will to improve and come out on top again.

Conditioning:  We want to be healthy.  No one strives to be out of shape or feel like they can’t read a bedtime story to their kids without getting winded.  We love watching sports because the athletes are world class specimens of fitness.  That shouldn’t just be for professionals though.  Playing sports, even recreationally, is a great way to stay active, build muscle and endurance, all while engaging in the other C’s of community and competition.

So, there it is.  A round about way of telling you what Authority Athletics is all about.  We do this because we love community.  We love competition, and we love conditioning.  And it’s all thanks to sports.

What “C” is most important to you?  Let us know!

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About Authority Athletics 66 Articles
Increasing participation in sports! Be a better fan / Be a better athlete! Community / Conditioning / Competition.

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