The Critical Mistake of the UFL

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The United Football League began play this last weekend.

I for one was anticipating the opening weekend of the season for some time. But, do you know how much of the games I watched? Zero! I completely forgot about the start of the UFL. Here is why and what I believe is a critical mistake from the UFL.

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The UFL opening weekend coincided with the start of the MLB regular season. My excitement for the UFL faded as I got even more excited about watching my beloved Seattle Mariners play their first series of the season. Every other sporting event went to the wayside.

Full disclosure – I don’t have the numbers to back this up (Maybe the ratings were through the roof). This is just one person’s reason why they didn’t tune into the games.

I believe the UFL should have pushed their opening weekend back even just one week. I for one, would have likely tuned in once the hype from MLB opening weekend faded.

Did you watch UFL opening weekend? Do you think the league should have pushed back their starting date? Comment below!

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